©EDSA | Team | Vice President | Brendan Mannix-Slobig

Design decisions must have a foundation in permanence and timelessness. It’s about finding the joy in the ‘why’ and understanding the big picture.

Brendan J. Mannix PLA

Vice President

Finding inspiration from his surroundings, Brendan credits travel and life experience as catalysts for synergistic and innovative design. His unique vision for integrating natural forms and artistic elements improves the value outdoor spaces and encourages guests to explore its public and private offerings. Melding the confluences of aesthetics, technology and ecology to create a more sustainable and experientially rich environment, Brendan advocates for his role as a steward of the land and formidable landscape architect.

  • Education: Master of Landscape Architecture, Kansas State University; Bachelor of Landscape Architecture, Kansas State University
  • Associations: American Society of Landscape Architects
  • Location: Chicago