• Featured Insights

    65 Years of Design Excellence

    Honoring our legacy and looking ahead with excitement – knowing the best is yet to come.

©EDSA | Yoga

Place Makers

EDSA’s global experience pays tribute to the passionate creation of distinctive and inspiring environments. As co-authors in the story of place, we harness collective viewpoints to develop meaningful designs that showcase the full potential of a site.

Working in conjunction with nature, we focus on how visionary ideas manifest themselves into great experiences and shape places where people thrive.

©EDSA | Al Ain Wildlife Park & Resort

Design Expertise

Our expertise touches every phase of design, from concept to reality, and has proven itself equally successful with large-scale developments and individual purpose-based projects.

  • Visioning + PlanningDown

    Focused on the big picture, our efforts uncover the holistic value of the land and nurture meaningful experiences around it. We establish thoughtful connections between people and place while translating our client’s vision into a responsible and implementable development strategy.

  • Urban DesignDown

    EDSA’s specialized skill set addresses the challenges and opportunities of urbanization and mixed-use communities. Our efforts bring a sense of social, cultural, ecological and economic vibrancy to city forms with an engaging aesthetic that draws the many strands of placemaking together.

  • Landscape ArchitectureDown

    Melding practicality with high-performance creativity, we craft places for people to enjoy. In developing a technically sound design, we plan for visual beauty but never overlook the individual elements of a site, neighborhood or community and how they work together in creating habitats for people.

  • Featured Projects

    Etéreo Auberge Resort Collection

    Quintana Roo, Mexico

    ©EDSA | Etéreo Auberge Resort
©EDSA | Light Background Texture
©EDSA | EDSA Office
Sunset at EDSA

Join the Team

For our team, design is a way of life – a professional philosophy, a creative rallying and a shared purpose in support of excellence. We are optimistic designers who have the vision, curiosity and persistence to take the lead in exploring new possibilities between the natural and built worlds.